Hi guys, i don’t know why, when i apply the same material to a different object it doesn’t give me the same result as i wish, I want the red vibrant one, but it gives me dark brown i don’t know why. Can you please suggest a reason why? Here is the place where i downloaded it from:
Sprite - Character Rig - Blender Studio
I just have applied the sprite.cap material to a UV sphere and it works like a charm.
Take a look below:
Perhaps you have chosen the wrong material?
See it from material viewport shading
yeah, see it now
Maybe this is because of the paint texturing?
I have no idea, the nodes look a bit complicated, I don’t understand it much really
Take a look at these nodes of sprite.cap material:
Just disconnect the Map Range from the two previous nodes and you’ll get the next result below:
Most probably it is becasue the Attribute node somehow (as I think so), randomizes the colors’ variation on each of the mesh where it has been applied. If you take a look at the Color Ramp node, you may notice that there’s a brown color in it tho it haven’t seen on a hat itself. You could also play with the Color Ramp’s colors
Hope that helps
Thank you so much for that! I got same result as you
Make it like this:
Don’t disconnect the group node (the green one) from the second Map Range node that are on the top of the Color Ramp, but only from the one that next to him
BTW, I’ve just noticed that you can get away with it by disconnecting just the Attribute node itself from the rest of the nodes. It also works as well
I think it’ll be the best solution for you
Thank you for your time
Much appreciated
You’re welcome
Always glad to help