Linux Energy Drink

A colleague of me had a wallpaper like this on his mashine. I looked at it and thought: The Idea is nice but i can do this better. So I did. Original Image: So credit for the idea goes to DavidOteroNavarro. This is my version. Just a can with some droplets on it to make it scream: “BUY ME!”. The droplets and the bubbles in the icecubes are particle systems. There is a wallpaper version of the image rendered in 4K here you got the dropbox link: . Let me know what you think how i did compared to the original in the comments below :wink:

Hi! I like to see prod viz arround here.

I have to say, too much drops IMHO

Now that you say it… i’ll try less tomorrow. Thanks for reply :slight_smile:

Yeah, but perhaps a black background and harsher lighting could make it work.

Looks good. I agree with justwandering. And add some water to the ice cubes. Cause ice melts always, unless its cold enough but than you wouldn’t have condense on the cans ;p
Great waterbubbles in the cubes btw

Thank’s for the reply guys :slight_smile: I’m at work right now. I will render some of you’re tipps over night and post them here tomorrow :slight_smile:

dark-water-ground reflection-less bubbles

What do you think? :slight_smile:

Ooops. Accidently double posted it…
