Linux on Mac Leopard, Blender 64 bit

Has anyone tried this? I have a Mac and I want to use blender 64 bit, but because the 64 bit release is only for Linux, I would have to add a third party software like parallels. I’m just wondering if that would work.


Update: I found out that Parallels doesn’t support 64 bit software. I found out about Ubuntu and it seems that would be the option but I still haven’t found how to do that.

Virtualbox might do it:-

If not, try asking at Ubuntu forums, they are very helpful:-

OMG. I installed Ubuntu 64 bit on a mac os x using only bootcamp and a refit application. It was a little confusing at first but I love Ubuntu, it runs faster than leopard and I just installed blender 64 bit. I haven’t rendered nothing yet but is looking good.

:yes:Thanks for the help.

Go man go…!