Lipid bilayer

Created a simple lipid bilayer with some simple membrane proteins attached.
Hope you like it! :blush:


that is amazing !!

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Very nice!

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It has cutey ion channels - I like it!


Really love this. Your subtle use of depth-of-field is fantastic. I’d consider throwing in some very subtle chromatic aberration and moire to further sell the reality of lens distortion, but really stunning render.


Can you tell us a bit more about how you go about making this kind of image, @Siphiwe ?
Is it classic modelling, particles, a crazy geometry nodes setup…?
Or maybe it’s imported from another specialised software?

This really isn’t my field, but I’m curious to know :nerd_face:

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Oooh I love seeing this kind of microbiology in 3D :smiley:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much

Hey Picto. So I just used a basic geometry nodes setup. Modeled the phosolipids, scattered them on a plane (which would be the membrane in this case) using basic geometry nodes. Same went for the membrane proteins.

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thank you so much Brendan :dna:

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Thank you so much!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

This is incredible. I find it so fascinating when 3d encounters science and this is a perfect piece. Good job!

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Neat… I love macro shots in 3D, especially at such a scale. Do you ever animate these?

Love the lighting and materials! was it hard to model? You really accompished to make it look microscopic, great work!

I love this. Medical illustration rocks! :+1: