Little Match box girl

Hy guys! I hope I´m doing this post right, this is my last piece, I just got to express my love for blender hair, and I do love cycles, but eevee is something too, I got a lot more detail on my artstation page ( ), I think blender got the best rendering engines for me, when I´m in a hurry, eevee, when I can go slow, cycles for sure, and I tried other engines and hairs, like from card hair to hair farm and other plugins for other programs, but I always get back to blender and blender hair. love all the support/critiques, helps me grow! stay safe folks!


I loved this story when I was little. I’ve often thought of doing a render of it myself. Nice job.

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thanks a lot Mark! i only got to know this particular history a few years ago, by a comic cartoon called Shin Chan cryon, when I got to the history and movies, I was crying like hell hahahaha is a lovely tale, but it makes me sad every time.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks, man! you make my day bright as it can be! super honored!

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