Little robot

Hi, it’s the first time I write here. Sorry for my english, I’m from Genoa, Italy.
I would share with you my WIP of a little robot I will use for a project. I hope you like it!
(comments and suggestion are welcome! I’m using Blender for a few time!).


I’m digging dem shapes already. Can’t wait for the details.

The guy said his english is not very good and your comment is : I am “digging” , " dem " …?? and its “damn” BTW.

Anyway…nice start.
Hard to say much yet. Finish the robot’s main structure…then we will take it from there. :slight_smile:

Take care

HEY. There are more important things to think about than my articulation and grammar. Like the dragon in the kitchen.

Digging = liking and dem = them. Slang, you know.