Little shot of our short film's main protagonist

“27” by Sebastian Blatter

First time posting here!
Here is a little shot of our main protagonist starring in our short film we made for a university project. This one was a huge challenge to get all rigged up and ready to render. Release will be sometime in february! If you want to catch any updates you can find me on instagram under @_blatter


Amazing :clap:
Welcome here ! looking forward to see the end result ! :slightly_smiling_face:

In any case keep going the good work :+1:

Edit : The short film project is finished ? if so, where can I see it ?

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Like the graphic style and color. Muted tones are nice. It’d be a good poster with some nice typography.

I really like the post processing on this! Can you break it down from the raw render to how you achieved this?

Its really nothing special. DOF, Volumetrics and Motion Blur is rendered into the image.

Then i did some basic grading, some film grain, a tiny bit of blur & i blended in a little bit of a smoke overlay to get a little bit more texture into the sky/atmosphere.

Glad u like it!