Little teasing?!

Hello to all

I’m finishing a tut about how to “reduce” a character to real low-poly ( 315 vertices this one) and how to make a texture paint with the GIMP:

I’ll post it sunday…maybe
I’ll post a .b file of the textured character and the GIMP texture file
I know, I’m too generous :slight_smile:

very generouse indeed :smiley:

Not bad at all for 315 (is that poly’s or vertices). Either way good job squeezing all in those extra “proportions”. I thought about making a low poly character tutorial as well but dont have much time at the moment.

Just wondering are you going to include considerations for animating (constructing good arm/shoulder/knee joints) in your tutorial? I think that would be useful to a lot of people.

Very nice I have enjoyed all your tutorials.

Thx, OTO

Very nice lowpoly figure :slight_smile: Can’t wait for the tutorial!!!

Yeah that figure looks great!

Did you model her with her arms straight out or with them down in a more natural position like that?

OTO, I think you should lower the eyes a bit. They’re just a tad too high, but just enough to make the face look creepy. Other than that it’s very good though.

Good work.

Gangstagaret: Leave.

Very nice model OTO

ms-dos: why are you (and others) so mean to this kid?

Don’t ask Redteam, but they should stop. The administrator has already warned others about this and I’m sure at some point his patience will wear thin. I know mine is starting to.

I think the body is fine, but the eyes look too pasted on, and they do need to be a bit lower. The lips don’t have enough contour either. Low poly is fine, but you can be just a little bit more free now days. Especially when some people are using that many for a crate.

Tank you to all for your comments
Euhhh…it’ll be a TEXTURE tutorial…
Anyway, the character is in “modelling position” and it moves quite well, “normal
movements” of course
Probably to animate more complex movements the mesh will need some more joint

Looks like it will make a nice template to work off of. If a person needs more verticies they can add them and still have a low poly count. I’m looking forward to it OTO.

Euhhh…it’ll be a TEXTURE tutorial…

Oh, that sounds pretty interesting.

OTO, I have been very interessted in your previous tutorials, I hope this one is as good as the last.

Hello again

Playing with some GIMP settings and some mesh verts we can easily
make a “new” character:


Only 315 vertices? Thats incredible!
I guess this tut is going to be very cool. I apreciated the subject very much.

Thank you, very kind :wink:

You are welcome! Oto i guess you are the right person to make a tutorial about how to model Justin Timberlake (nude?). This probably will atract another persons to this website. :wink:

Because if you keep modeling chicks only idiots like me and ugly girls are gonna talk to you. :smiley:

Good luck!

Ah…good suggestion!!
Go for naked Justin… well, not naked, but with a string…