Little topology issue

Hi everyone

I model a some sort of helmet, and after I try to make creases more sharp i get a lot of unwanted issues. I solve most of them, but there is last one, which I don’t know how to solve. I have face with five vertex in top corner of helmet, which one produces a little issue. It’s barely seen on some angles, but I want to get rid of this issue for learning purposes.
I know that I can use mean crease, or bevel edges, but want to solve this problem by proper topology.

I attach demo file to post.
Thanks in advance!

topology.blend (612 KB)


“I have face with five vertex…”

To put this simply, you shouldn’t have a face with more than 4 vertices.

Use only quads for this kind of model.

This a proper topology with a sharp edge, almost no anomalies. This is how a proper topology should look like.
What is actually the problem here? There’s lots of good articles of proper and smooth topology/edge flow in 3D modeling, you just have to look them up.



@helluvamesh, yes i know this rule, but sometimes i have no idea how to implement this in practices

@MediumSolid, Thanks for tips, looks nice, and it’s exactly what i want

No problem man, any time.

No problem man, any time.

No problem man, any time.

Here’s another example of this which I made recently for another thread. Essentially curved surfaces require more geometry to prevent distortion, when there’s too little it’ll simply attempt to smooth out the medium, unfortunately that creates pinching.

Out of interest, is there a way to get rid of the pinching?


Yes, but that requires a little more topology. Although this isn’t really an issues since good lighting, render and material settings usually hide this unwanted detail.

Ahhhh, I didn’t want to waste my time writting this because I assume you already know of this.

I won’t go into explaining this setup because it’s pretty much self explanatory.



Thanks, shrinkwrap works the best i guess.