Live Scene Capture to Texture

Looking at the script RES is being set at 512. and used for both x,y

You could try altering the script and introduce RESX and RESY, and alter accordingly,

However, GPU textures normally like to be square, so it may not work. Or you may have to manipulate the frame afterwards.

Hope that helps.

Yeah, thanks for the response. I know it’s something to do with this but coding isn’t my thing and I’m not sure how to alter the values. Should I start with “RESX = 720, RESY = 576” on line 3?


some thing like


Then alter those other references to RESX,Y appriopriately.

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Just tried seems to work with script2

try yr oldskool pal settings!

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YUP! 4:3 aspect I resized my plane to .720 x .576

Yep, got that part of it working but for some reason I’m missing 4 outer faces on the UV editor. Bizarre.

Underscan? haha.

No I dont know, try object coords?

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Thanks, it really worked! But I have a problem. At some point, the texture stops updating.
For example if I enter game mode (I use UPBGE)
Is it possible to force the texture to update every moment of time?

This is very interesting. I’m very new to coding how would I use opencv video capture with this script?

The technique to be used is this one:

To install the OpenCV library use this technique, because the other ones are more difficult (you can use directly the embedded Python within Blender).

Trying to install tensorflow into blender I get an error message - #28 by const

I ran the script and it created the image file, but it’s just black. I opened a new project to see if it was my project but same results. Anyone else have this issue or know what might be going on for me?

Same here.