Lo-Poly scetch, got one?

Hey there Gang!

Hi, okay, I’m trying to get to grips with Blender (I guess this is the right place) and am working tru some tutorials, currently, I’m with this one ( http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/blender/model-uv-and-texture-a-complete-manga-character-in-blender-day-1/ ) and would like to practice on something a bit more fantasy. So, anyone have some ol’ concept-art-on-a-jpeg for me? Something like this Manga girl that I can trace over, but…maybe a little less cute…
Keep in mind: I’ml still noob at this, so something like this little beauty :eyebrowlift: ( http://www.scott-eaton.com/wp/wp-content/medusa-clash-of-the-titans.jpg ) is still somewhat out of my league…
Every project needs a goal. So’s this one. The goal: an MMORPG. But, it’s still in int embryobic stage :evilgrin: so dont expect anything concrete yet…


Thunder X

This is a character over in my sketchbook thread you can use if you want.

Thanks a zillion! Perfect for me to learn from…

Thunder X

Wow, that really is a great character turnaround to model from. Thanks for sharing that!

If you are just looking for practice, there are also some turn arounds at www.conceptcookie.com

@ blenderjourney - thanks for sharing this!
@ wccrawford - yeah, cute innit? I just dove right in and went moddeling…

Still have a ton to learn, though…