I tried the Edit object brick, and tried either replace or add object once I’ve caused one object to be removed, no new object loads where the previous object was.
I tried the Edit object brick, and tried either replace or add object once I’ve caused one object to be removed, no new object loads where the previous object was.
When you use “replace mesh”, the name may be different. Select the object that will be doing the replacing. Go to the properties panel, where you would name your object. > Data button, (that’s the triangle thingy) and name it the same name.
If that makes any sense at all.
for example:
if you want to replace object “white hat” with object “blue hat”
But “blue hat” doesn’t show up in replace mesh. Because it’s probably named “Circle.003” in the Data panel. Change “Circle.003” to “blue hat”
(Just an example,)
Now when you go to Replace Mesh brick, you will see it, when you type it the name. Make sure it’s on a hidden layer.
I did try that, but what you stated there about the replace object needing to be placed in another layer, that I haven’t tried.
Make sure it’s on a hidden layer
A mesh don’t have to be on a hidden layer, it works everywhere.
If you ADD an object then that object needs to be in a hidden layer.
The add in object works, the replace only replaced the existing object.
I want to add in but remove the existing one. The sound only works with add in object while the existing character is moving.
if I get it right: you want to replace an Object by another object and want to end the old object from scene?
i assume you got an mechanism that ends the first object? use tat mechanism to add the new one aswell.
If it does not get into the right place, you can make use of an empty.
Parent it to your object, place it on the location where you need to have the objects spawned and use that one as the location, or put the bricks on it so it will spawn on the place of the empty. Then you need 1 mechanism to remove and add the new object. or use properties.
Properties, add a property mesh_change. sensor-and-property.
now when you need to switch object change the property. Then you can add (as much as you need) property sensors. use the equal state - and - add/remove object.