Local view in Blender 2.8?


I’m fiddling around in Blender 2.8. Now there’s a function I used alot in blender 2.7x which I can’t seem to find in 2.8:

Local view / isolate object. The shortcut for this option was " / " on the numpad. It isolates the selected object so only the selected object is visible in the viewport.

Does anyone know if this option is already integrated in 2.8?

Assigned a new key binding in 2.8 the same way as is in 2.79, under 3D View (Global) “view3d.localview”, but it looks like it’s not in. Am not 100% sure - it just doesn’t work (yet).

Maybe someone more experienced with the code/development could shed some light on.

Missing this too. For now I just use Isolate from Outliner. You can CTRL+LMB to eye icon for hiding all things except this.
UPD: Use ALT+H to unhide everything back instead of manually clicking in outliner.

wich local view ?
bottom header
or keypad / for local view ?

happy bl

From what I’ve seen it’s not there yet in 2.8 , you have to use H, Shift-H , Alt-H for now.
With the new collection system this is a bit tricky to implement from what I understand.
I’m sure it will get back at some point because it’s very useful and used a lot. Dev’s haven’t find time to tackle it yet.


I was just looking to find out what happened to local view in 2.8. The CTRL-Click should work backwards. That’s how it works in PS. If you use the same ALT-Click on the layer view icon twice it will isolate and put everything back as it was before. Unhiding is not a solution because you will unhide everything even the stuff you don’t want to unhide.

Local View support was committed to 2.8 this morning so it should be part of the beta.

Right now it has a crash bug interacting with Undo and it may take a little time to get exercised enough to squeeze all the bugs out.

Do you guys know if there is any equivalent for the old “local layer” button, which allowed to set layer visibilty per viewport?

EDIT: Just figured out, that you can set an view layer per window. Still looking for an option to set an view layer per viewport.