Local view persistent in render view

local view isolates mesh for to work individually with it, something extremely useful. But when goes to render view at the same time, then we lost local view isolation. Seems something inconsistent, because we can see a global render view whenever we want, but not the local. In fact, in 2.79 works in that way.

In 2.79, there is a button in 3D View’s header to retrieve RenderLayer view in Rendered mode.

In 2.8, I think that devs were trying to achieve a viewport as faithful as possible to final render with overlays that could be deactivated.
Lighting TD is supposed to manage isolation through well organized and properly named collections.
So, local view was first abandoned and its informal restriction to render, too.
Local View was reintroduced in 2.8 by community feedback and complaints.

I don’t know if status in rendered mode is an oblivion, a feature waiting for completion or a design limitation as a counterpart for a Cycles improvement.

But it looks like problem is limited to Cycles.
On my machine, EEVEE in rendered mode respects Local View restriction.

Me too, eevee conserves local view. That confirms it’s cycles related issue

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Yeah, same here, no local view in Cycles.
But how should it actually work?

  1. Hide all other objects completely, as if setting the invisibility flag temporarily?
  2. Or set the camera invisible flag for all other objects temporarily?
    Should there be an option for how it is to behave?

Sometimes when auditing materials it’s nice to have them react to the proper environment, like being shadowed out from the sun, rather than having it exposed to the sun where we have to tweak the camera exposure. Or adjusting a bump map to ensure a highlight is given off exactly where you want it.

many times we forget the great things of 2.79. Render layer button let you do what just you are talking about. But also has disappeared in 2.8

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