Lock Object Scale when Animating


I am working with a MakeHuman model with it’s built-in pose features. I imported it into blender and I am currently trying to animate it. I am able to move the bones around completely fine, however, doing so also allows me to drag, lets say a hand, completely out of proportion with the rest of the body. See picture How do I lock it so that it maintains its original proportion when moving it around.


Problem: The mesh of the hand is Weight Parented to the IK target of the arm.

Add another bone (in Edit mode) and parent it to the lower arm bone (=> deforming bone of the hand mesh). Give it a ‘Copy Rotation’ Constraint with the IK target bone as rotation target. Exclude the IK target bone from deforming the mesh.

So as an example (picture)
Bone 002 is the IK target of the arm chain (Bone and Bone 001). This one must be excluded from deforming the mesh.
(To do this, untick Bone 001’s ‘Deform’ field in the Bone panel before weight parenting, or delete its Vertex Group in the Object Data panel of the mesh.)
Bone 003 is parented to Bone 001, but has a ‘Copy Rotation’ Constraint so it copies the rotation of Bone 002.
Bone 003 is part of the deforming Armature.

So Bone 002 is controlling the arm and the rotation of the hand, but not included as a weight bone.

Hope that makes sense.