Lofting Curve Networks using Subdivision Surfaces

Hello, I have a features request, for subdivision mesh modelling. when I start every models, I do a wire network curve and, after I make a polygon for each 3 or 4 points. But if is implemented this features, all polygons they are generates to you automatically.

Sorry for my english.

Below the links.

This is the same tread on

I’m not sure quite what you mean. Do you mean you make a wire-frame of the mesh and want the faces to be filled automatically? Cause there’s a feature called ‘face fill>auto’ in the new blender version that will fill a closed wireframe with faces.

No, I would want to make only, a few network-curves, to make the mesh-surface, automatically.

Like this example.
Schaefer S., Warren J. and Zorin D.

Oh, nurbs. Well, I can’t help you there, sorry.

Not a NURBS but subdivided polyline and subdivision surface!!!