Logitech Keyboard

…Just stop guys.

Godzilla, I prefere your verson to the the real thing, it looks much sexier.

However if you are gong for realism and accuracy, bigbad is technically correct.

moomoo, since you’re new here I’ll cut you some slack, but be aware that being mean to other users isn’t tolerated here.

We already went over this. :wink:

Yes and the real one isn’t as elongated but oh well. :slight_smile:

See attached. :spin:


I want that keyboard now…

imo, some of the labels on the keys are a little big but otherwise it looks correct. Good render.

I am typing this on one of those keyboards right now,

When you going to switch the backlighting on?

Great render by the way!

Thanks everyone!

that keyboard is amazing! looks real!

really awesome! :smiley: