Lonely Bench

Hi, here is a render I’ve worked on past few days, the goal was to picture nature in a believable and emotionally engaging fashion.

I Took tree and bush model from blenderguru’s free bonus pack, but made the shading of them myself, everything else is done by me in blender 2.69 and rendered in cycles. I did only very little compositing on it, because I don’t really know much about it yet. I’ll try too learn a bit more in a next few days and maybe add some stuff then. Also I was thinking to maybe add an abondoned flower bouquet on a bench to make it look like someone got stood-up so that picture would have more story.
I want to get some honest criticue on this picture, what could be improved ( i know pavement is horrible, had trouble aplying it to terrain, any tips on that much aprecciated) anything from composition to technicalities, just say what you think everything helps.

Besides the obvious issues with the pavement, i’d say it looks pretty darn good. Enhancing it is more a matter of taste I think in this case, because the composition and materials are pretty top notch for blender.