Lookdev tests for my current Blender film project

Some early lookdev preview renders for my current film project “Landmate”


This is looking very promising - please keep us updated :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
These are workbench viewport renders with some free custom matcaps from gumroad.
I am enhancing the style with the viewport compositor for
very fast rendering for animation.

All of the characters are rigify rigs for animation
I am building a whole universe for this story.


Looks like its coming along nicely.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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I am going for that late 1990’s early 2000’s high contrast comic book art syle, except for animation.

I had tried to get some NPR effects from custom matcaps back with version 2.93 but it always fell just short of my goal asthetic.
But I recently tried the realtime viewport compositing feature in Blender 3.6 (and higher) so now I can add Bloom , hue/sat /sharpen and other effects and create super fast viewport animation renders with the workbench engine.

here are some test renders layed out as comic page.

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Some rough block out animation test renders.
All characters are rigged with rigify except the fleeing crowd which are simple FK rigs with behavioural presets from the “Procedural Crowds” add-on from Blender market.