Looking for a addon like EasyFX (visual compositor) for 2.8

Im wondering if there’s an addon like EasyFX (which doesnt work in 2.8) that would work in 2.8

Its a post production visual compositor addon that easily lets me add effects in blender like chromatic abberation, lens flares, vignettes and color correct…without having to know anything about compositing

Does anybody know such a addon?

The EV Express addon provides 9 nodegroups for the compositor as well. But that is just a small feature of the addon. Here are the nodegroups:


  • AO Mix : to mix in AO. AO pass needs to be switched on in EEVEE.
  • ASC-CDL: presets of the the ASC-CDL node. The ASC-CDL node is safe to use.
  • Blur: Blur but faster to use.
  • Frame: Adds a frame, you can change the color.
  • Logo-Over: To add Logo’s / text to renders.
  • Normal FX: To define by normal direction Hue Saturation Value. Normal pass needs to be switched on.
  • Post: to bump up a tiny bit of saturation (forgive me).
  • Vignette: Adds Vignette, can set color. Ofcourse you can go in the node for finer adjustments.
  • Zoomblur: Add Zoom blur.

Here is the link to the addon.

But it’s commercial.