Looking for advice about certain texture


I was wondering how that I can create those horizontal lines as seen in the picture.
Can this be done with nodes or is this some kind of heightmap?

I tried with adding noise and wave texture in node editor but it does not give the same effect.

Any advice on what else I can try out.

Kind regards.

Welcome :tada:…

…this may depend on how you do want to use it :wink:

Thank you for your answer.
I am going to try what you suggest.
Is it also possible to make the white part in your example transparent just like in the picture I provided.
Because what I am looking for it is the same effect that is shown in my picture.

Kind regards.

You can use this same texture to control transparency…

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How you create the lines will depend on your object and its associated coordinates : UVs, position attribute… if you’re looking for maximum sharpness I advise making them procedurally, since it’s really simple. Here is an example where I used the lines to modify glossy roughness and refraction roughness to get something vaguely similar to the picture you provided

roughnessexample.blend (1.5 MB)

This is what I am basically looking for. How do you reverse the pattern that the transparancy is fully on the object and the lines are frosted glass?

Yours is transparent lines.

I do have to thank you a lot for providing this information!

Thank you very much for helping, I tried yours out and I do think I will find a use case for it. It is very informative. What Hadriscus has posted is a little more closer to what I am currently looking for. But still thank you for the good effort!

I tweaked some of the lines nodes and I got the desired effect. Thank you for helping!

You have to think of a mask as numbers : 0 for black, 1 for white. Click the other material output node I left in the material to inspect what the values are. If you plug the mask as-is, the lines will be 1 and the areas in-between the lines will be 0. That’s why I used a map range node to remap these values to a range that makes sense for the material, in this case roughness. To invert the effect, invert the values

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