Looking for advice/feedback for a character I've made

Hi all!

I’ve made a character following Little Nightmares thematic, but I have doubts about my work.

Firstly, what do you think about this character topology? Do you think it’s well done or it could be greatly improved?

Secondly, How could I finish this ear part? While the ear has lots of polygons, the head has much much less polygons… I’ve tried to weld them both but the result end up making the mesh look wonky.

To conclude, once I have the base model done I would like to make a high poly version to make some cool skin textures in Substance Painter. I know the standard procedure is to first make the high poly and then re-topology a low poly to use that one in the game engine, but I have zero knowledge or ability on sculpting from scratch, nor the time or patience to learn right now. So how can I achieve this?

All sincere feedback would be very appreciated :slight_smile:


I made a few meshes. I rigged and animated them. So I know somethings about errors. You have triangles in your mesh Error!

Avoid Tris - triangles. Whole model must be in Quads. Google search “mesh clean topology in blender”, “topology avoid tris”, “topology avoid T ends”, “clean topology”

You can use free basemesh - for your reference.

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Just try it:

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Hey thanks a lot! I’ve managed to improve a lot my mesh, no more tris! (except for a few parts left I don’t know how to fix) :slight_smile:

Still looking wonky :frowning: I think I’m gonna redo the whole head God knows how, but thanks for the suggest!

The topology is one thing… placing the vertices at the best position is the real ability to make awseome models…