Looking for an artist for a youtube video project, James Bond Style Intro


skyfall 2

I’m wanting a person who feels they can take on this project to send me their portfolio and we can discuss payment ect.

My channel is on youtube “Mixed Martial Academic” and I am attempting to make a documentary of an esoteric and philosophical nature. This intro title sequence cinematic is something I have big hopes for so Looking not necessarily for someone with a lot of experience but instead someone who has vision, artistic scope, and enthusiasm for working with a smaller, yet growing channel. All experience levels to apply. Deadline for this project is around 2 months.

I can explain the concept better over zoom calls, but I feel that my pictures truly represent what I am looking for.

As I am unsure of the correct technical terms, you guys are the experts! I’ll describe briefly what I am looking for.

  • A roughly 1 and a half minuet segment that is inspired(ish) by James Bond Title sequences. The general gist is that a silhouette of a person is falling through a black misty void at the right of the composition. Taking up the majority of the composition to the left are modelled versions of famous MMA fighters, likeness, not truly accurate representations, as objects fall past this model, they light them (For example Jared Cannoniers face – google him – is ligh up by crystals falling past his face, as the shilloute of a person tumbles into the void to the side. Please see photos for what I’m trying to explain. I’m looking at around 4 different people (Fighters) to be represented in this scene.

I presumme some of this can be done either via after effects or blender. But if you know how this can be done, in any kind of way then please apply.

Many thanks

  • The Academic.
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