Looking for an Awesome Modeling-Sculptor Mentor for a mask project I'm working on!

Hi all! Happy New Years!!:wave:t3::clinking_glasses:

I’m just starting with Blender and am working on a project I need help with. I feel so stuck… I’ve been going through SO many videos and trying over and over to figure out how to get myself sculpting/modeling right. Would anyone be interested in helping me possibly? I just thought I’d ask in the different Blender communities to see. I realized a bit ago that it might just be the time to try and reach out to some talented people and just ask if they’d be willing to possibly consult me to better understand it. I’ve been going at it and trying for about 4 months or so and now am just confused.:laughing::weary:

I just got the Wacom pen and Wacom Cintique 16 but cant seem to figure out if I’m having a problem with the Blender software or if there are certain settings I just don’t know about. Everytime I try to sculpt, it seems like it just doesn’t work. I can’t tell if it’s my pen, my software, settings, or me etc! :sweat_smile:

Anyways, just thought I’d reach out here because I’ve been hoping to create quality sculpts for some unique masks and I feel that I’m on the edge but just haven’t figured out where the stump is yet. This specific project is to create a 3d modeling of an owls head, which I have drawn up to the best of my ability but am not great at drawing in 3d, so that is my dilemma. At this point I’d love someone to help me walk through and troubleshoot what I’m missing and stepy by step how to go about my project if they have the time and would like some experience consulting. I have tried a couple different ways with no luck. Let me know if you are willing by chance!

My name is Chloe btw, and I’m looking for serious actual help if at all possible, a Blender mentor of sorts! :smiley: I’ve only gotten so far with YouTube and Udemy courses… :performing_arts:

Please let me know if you’re interested! :crossed_fingers:t3::see_no_evil::pray:t3:

To all a Happy New Years!!:sparkles::fireworks::sparkles:

Chloe :grin:

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