Looking for Blender 3D artist (paid)

Hi, I’m Koen Witters from game development company Koonsolo (http://www.koonsolo.com). I’m currently searching for an artist (paid) who can create some professional quality 3D models in Blender 3D. The specifications can be found in this Request For Proposal: http://www.koonsolo.com/MainModelsRFP.pdf
Please send your proposals to [email protected]. Thanks!

Short description of the work:
You create 3 robot 3D models that I can use as pre-rendered art in my upcoming game. The models have a cute, cartoon feeling, and they should be able to express basic emotions through body language (animations are not yet included in this job). Remark that these robots are not humanoids.
Since these are the first assets being created, you will set the artistic style for the rest of the game. Therefore a few concept sketches are also included before the actual modeling.


  • It’s a paid job
  • Creative work since art style and robot models are not fixed yet
  • Work for someone who has experience working with artists
  • Use in your portfolio
  • Get mentioned in the credits of the game
  • Future work possible since the game will require more artwork

Hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile:

I am using Blender form last 3 years. You can see my work sample in the bellow links
I am looking for freelance Blender artwork.

Free Download 16 3D Movies I have created
Watch 3D Clips on vimeo

Watch 3D Clips on Youtube

Some Google Videos. All are done in Blender
Mancandy Animation http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=582319255407527975
Thornbie 4 Leg Walk http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8496377861193181905
Pencil Writing http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=909015017653083811
4 Leg Run http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1686586599880749276
Music Simulation http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4671235615293511324
Happy Run http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5864723441469612271

See this render. I have created in Blender

Hey Koonsolo, the link to my portfolio is in my sig. The proposal looks interesting.

Let me know if you are interested and let me know some details.

Hi there Koonsolo,

First of all - congratulations for making a proper description of the job you are
offering, that is very good - and professional.

Unfortunately - it sort of ends there because it seems to me that you’re
asking people to send in proposals for the graphics you need - rather
than hiring someone to do the job.

This is of course - not a job - it’s a competition where you offer payment for
the work to the one you choose.

This “potentially” could set 100’s of people to work on YOUR project, essentially
for free - since you won’t choose 100’s people for the same position.

I’m an experienced artist myself, and I’ve seen this kind of “Job-offer” many times,
and in the more experienced forums like cgtalk - avpro etc…this kind of offer
is frowned upon since it’s seedy and tricks a lot of people into thinking they’ve
got a chance for a job - but essentially don’t really get one.

What you SHOULD do…

…is to ask for artists portfolios - ask them to submit samples of their work to

There are a LOT of good artists here at Blenderartists, you probably know that
already - just take a look at the gallery!

If you HIRE one of them - you’ll probably get fantastic results on the game
graphics, but on the downside - you’ll probably have to pay for it too. :wink:

It’s much easier to just dump a message on people, show them the game
project - and say - you’re all free to send me your proposals for this.

That would be like hiring a 100 artists for free…and YOU get to choose what
concept you think looks best, without paying 100 artists for the experientation
and development process that you actually get for “free” while deciding which
one of those 100 artists projects looks the most interesting to you,
So technically you get the benefit of 100-workers ideas & brains & efforts
but pay only ONE of them. catch my drift?

I think you may have him wrong…
If you read the pdf that’s all he is asking for…

Please include at least following info in your proposal:
– Portfolio of previous work
– Price and Timescale of these 3 models.

Good spotting - but unfortunately this is the reality for most job seekers. At one of my interviews, the prospective employer was picking my brains for possible ways to increase his business. I mantained a professional and cheery attitute through out the interview . . . and got the job, but long term I felt really used, and during the interview the name of another potential candiate was in front of me and the other interviewer asked some rather awkward questions that I felt was not relavant to what I was selling. I like to think that I “conned” the employer since I got the job, even if it meant the cost of my integrity, even if I was honest through-out, and well my usual manner is conservative, calm and in control. I feel for the 99 of the people who will spend time on this gig only to have their work rejected, but at least this will be part of your portfolio, and if learn something it will be all the better.

i think it’s time for a Job offers section .

yeah, if for no other reason than to filter them better. :yes:

Actually - in your case, that was different. You didn’t have to submit any work up
front, an “opinion” on how to increase his business are just ideas, and he’s checking
you out to see if you’ll be beneficial to his business - this is perfectly normal and
100 % okay.

Asking 100 people to submit their proposals for the design however - is an entirely
different case, that’s like engaging 100 artists, paying only one of them.

There is a reason why a studio has 10 artists or more, not all of these artists
proposals will be accepted, but it’s a part of the “project-development”, that
way - one can see what idea is better than the other, it’s called progress!
Progress is worth money.

@Michael, yes - I may have him wrong, but you didn’t include the entire clip:

Send your proposal to email removed before April 12, 2009. The final decision will be made before May 4, 2009.
Please include at least following info in your proposal:
– Portfolio of previous work
– Price and Timescale of these 3 models.

And if you read the ENTIRE PDF (all 3 pages of them) and in context (not just
a small cut’n’paste to suit your understanding) - you can see that he asks
for a proposal (meaning - your idea on how it should look, meaning - you need
to draw some suggestions, meaning = lots of artists input on the project)

That aside - he seems very professional in his approach otherwise, I’m merely
chipping in here so people don’t get a habit out of getting “hard work” out of
artists the easy way, I’ve always done that - and will always do that :slight_smile:

I’ve been in the business myself for over 10 years, so trust me - I’ve seen most
of the pitfalls. No harm meant - I’m sure both sides want to be happy with
each other - but never under estimate business people and money! :wink:


I made this model today:

It isn’t complete, but feel free to play around with it/use it for anything you wish.
My Email: [email protected]

The Blend file: http://speedmodeling.org/smcfiles/Nikolaus_Robot.blend

As Michael W already pointed out, you probably misunderstood me. The concept sketches are included in the work, not in the proposal. The proposal should contain portfolio and estimates on time and price.

Anyway, I already got lots of proposals from very good artists, so I’m currently busy picking the right one. Thanks for all your feedback, and keep up the good work!

i just sent you a proposal, hope you recieve it…
