Looking for feedback on cloud processing option for Blender.

Hello All,

I work for Nimbix. Nimbix is a provider of high performance computing cloud infrastructure with a special focus on accelerated server platforms to help organizations manage growing workloads using cloud resources.

We are working to improve our offerings and are asking for assistance. We have put together a quick 7 question survey around the use of 3D modeling tools. I would like to share it with you all but the forum doesn’t appear to allow me to post links. It is located at surveymonkey.com. I can email you a link to it or you might be able to find it by adding /s/2FBPLMW after the surveymonkey.com.

As a thank you for your feedback and time Nimbix is providing 5 free (up to 1 hour each) Blender application runs on our NACC (Nimbix Accelerated Cloud Computing) Infrastructure. NACC allows users to interact with the application and the workload, without having to deal with setup of the underlying infrastructure. With ease, users are able to choose their application, choose their tasks and fire their job off, in the fewest clicks possible.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. If I can help answer any questions I can be reached at [email protected].

Thank you,

Paul Garrison