Looking for generalists, modellers, texturing artists and environment artist for product animations

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for 3D artists (generalists, modellers, texturing artists and environment artists) to help me with incoming projects that I have.

I work for product visualization, so no character/rigging involved. Mainly hard surface products.

The positions I’ll need to cover are:

-3D modellers: that focus on product design/modelling with a nice topology and attention to detail. Models as to be realistic.

-3D texturing artists: focused on hyperrealism for marketing. That would be a mix between clean textures with some imperfections, to make it look more realistic. No need to push those imperfections until the point where the product looks super-used.

-3D environment artist: I would need somebody who is good with real environments (jungle, mountains, …) and also with product animations environments (offices, studios, cool spaces to show products, …), also focused in hyperrealism.

-3D generalist: take full control of smaller projects that I do not have time to take (for example, typical metal water bottle renders – e-commerce and lifestyle,…)

It’s important that the artist is a freelancer and able to issue invoices to Spain.

Please, send your portfolio and rates (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, …) to this email: [email protected]

Hope we can work together in the future!


solved I’m going to re-write the post, as I’m receiving a lot of offers of a very different style