Hello all,
I am in the process of a new project and am looking for someone to help with the 3d scene creation for said project.
Basically I am going to be starting a new youtube channel that creates youtube armchair documentaries, similar to channels like fern, neo, lemmino etc.
I began watching these videos a few months ago and became instantly hooked just like many others. The way the 3d renders / modelling help visualise the story and really immerse you into that world. Partnered with some good editing and other graphics these video can have you hooked for hours learning about things you never had a direct interest in before.
After a while, I started to wonder about the creative process behind these videos and what it took to make them. So I researched it and I again became engrossed.
If I’m being honest, at first I was slightly naïve and thought that I would be able to learn how to do the individual aspects that make these videos by myself, but quickly I learnt that wasn’t going to be the case and that brought me here.
The skills that are required to create even the low poly, pretty ‘basic’ scenes you might see in these videos is actually a very complex and daunting task to a complete beginner. ( I use the word basic very lightly here). and would require quite a lot of upfront investment to outsource to a freelancer. Which is something that isn’t possible for me right now.
But, I won’t let that stop me from at least attempting to find someone. Without rambling on too much more what I am after is someone who thinks they could create scenes like the ones featured in the videos of the channels mentioned above. I think it’s a long shot and If I’m being realistic a last ditch hope to keep this idea of mine from sadly dying out.
In terms of compensation, I would be more looking to provide you with deferred payments, when the channel starts to produce income or we could discuss some upfront payments but unfortunately my budget is small.
I would be more than happy to allow you to become a part of the creative process, input your ideas and suggestions. Not just to the 3d aspects but project overall.
I’ve got voice actors ready to go, who are also at the moment working for free, to help build their portfolio and have a genuine interest in the project.
So if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, have questions about, want to tell me I’m an idiot for expecting someone to help out or anything else please let me know.
Thanks for your time, apologies for the waffle.