Looking for Owner for Blender-Games website

I can’t take the time to keep Blender-Games active anymore.

Website: http://blender-games.com

It has the latest version of Wordpress and you’ll get free hosting on my host (for a time). I will give you full ownership and admin status.

I’m only looking for people who will take the time to keep it updated. If you are interested, reply here with a reason why you’d like to take over. I’ll PM you if I choose you. Replying does not guarantee I will give you ownership of the site.

Thanks for checking it out! :smiley:

It gets 300-600 daily visitors.

I has no job, and have basic knowles of html & css… at moment Iam create webpage for club. ( I will Pm ya an link to it when Ive upload it. right now its beta.a lots debug for IE6 / IE 8…)

so all I need to know what should we responsibility on that webpage? just updated or keep check if website smooth?
Pm me if u dont want show everyone what responsibility on. so Ill can make up my mind if I can help.


Bump bump…

I would be happy to take it over, but can you give more detail of what I would actually have to do.
What takes up the time when you are working on it? What issues are there?
Is one of the things I would have to do be finding new games for it?
Anything else I should know?

It has the latest version of Wordpress and you’ll get free hosting on my host (for a time).

Does this mean that I will have to spend money on it. If so I am not too keen anymore.

Why should it be me?
The main reason is because I am interested in it. There has not been many applicants.
I have had experience with blender for a few years, and have access to computers of the different OS’s. I also have basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript.
You may find someone else, but otherwise I am happy to spend some time on it regularly.

Right now you get hosting for free, but if my host goes down, or I need the extra space, you’ll have to find your own host (my host is going to be offering free hosting in the future.)

You have to find games and manually add them to the website. I don’t have time, but it doesn’t take very long.

You have to find games and manually add them to the website. I don’t have time, but it doesn’t take very long.

That’s fine by me I’m happy to do this

Right now you get hosting for free, but if my host goes down, or I need the extra space, you’ll have to find your own host (my host is going to be offering free hosting in the future.)

Alright, maybe I’m not the person. I’m sorry to say, but I don’t particularly feel like spending money on a website.

I’ve been programming games for a few years, and been working with BGE for about 5 months. However I’ve been a web designer for 8 years.

In that case, I think you are a better option than me

sad news :frowning:

Not really, the site will live on :slight_smile: