Looking for simple way to make non-tilted spiral ramp

Scratch all that, i’m an over-tired idiot.
I also can’t see a way to delete this foolish post.

Hi all.

I’ve been trying for a little while now to make a simple spiral ramp (like in a car park / parking lot etc - examples here) but i can’t seem to get it right with paths or curves, and making it manually is a bloody nightmare.

Granted, i’m a beginner so i’m likely missing a really obvious, simple solution, but curves and paths just keep twisting whenever i try to make an elevation.

If anyone can point me in the direction of a solution, my blood pressure would appreciate it :wink:

I’d use an array:

Best wishes,

Yeah, was trying to from the start but my sleep and food deprived brain just wasn’t making logical connections.

Settled on:


You need to use Empty. Look at this tutorial.