Hello Guys,
I’m looking for a group of people that’s up for making a short film. This film will be a cheezy battle with 3 people going against a giant robot, in preparation for the animated series I’ve been working on
From Left to Right, its Medusa, Cruze, Vicada, and Kyra. Medusa will be the one controlling the robot for a distant control room. Cruze, Vic, and Kyra will be in the fighting stage trying to knock the robot off.
I have the script ready, with the experience in modeling, texturing, rigging, MOCAP and BVH files. I alrdy have the Voice actors for each character on the film. I just need a second (or multiple) pair of hands with smiliar experience to expedite its release date. The robot hasn’t been created yet, I’ve been trying to polish up the models before their debut on the screen.
I’d like to have someone with experience with at least 3 of the following attributes:
-Modeling (with humans, robotic designs)
-Texturing / Materials
-Particle/Special/Visual FX (experience with this alone will get you in)
-Creating and/or importing BVH files.
-Sound Engineer (for BGM and sound effects)
Unfortunately, there will be no pay for this. If this is successful and we get a profit from it, you’ll be compensated for your efforts, as well as an offer for a position for the main project ‘Dew of Senira’. This battle is ultimately setting up the stage for the main project.
Like I said, the script is already written, I’m just trying to put everything into motion and its pretty discouraging to work on everything by myself, but I think it’s a good plot and worth looking into.
I use Discord, Skype, facebook msgr. Feel free to hit me up on this forum post, or through my email [email protected] if you’re interested. In the end, I’ll take anyone with experience in any of those 6 qualities, but the sound engineer isn’t a priority until I get the first 5 taken care of.