Loony bin

I decided to go back and finish a old blender game engine project.
everything is made in blender,and all programming is done with logic bricks.
(except from a small bloom script.)

the story goes: find key, shoot voodoo dolls with holy water bubbles,
solve some riddles, and the boss will start a surprise disco party. If the dolls pick up HP they gets upgraded with a partyhat.

so this it what I manage to get out of the BGE. a few minutes of silliness, hope you have a laugh.

download Loony bin -150mb zip
be aware it can take some time to load first time.

the blend file -116 mb zip
in case you want to have a look. (blender 2.79b)

oh, so this is windows only…

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I found this on the subject.

this version is for windows, but you can export it from mac and linux too. :slight_smile: