Low-ish Poly Character

I wasn’t trying to the poly count super low. It is currently at 1594 faces (3124 triangles). There are still some topology issues that I am unhappy with (specifically some areas around his nose, mouth, and neck), but I think it is going rather well compared to some of my past attempts. I was a bit inspired by the game Fable so I went with its anatomical ratios including larger hands and feet.

Here are some closer shots of the face. Come to think of it, I think the eyes could probably use some more work too. They seem a little droopy, which is not really what I am aiming for. Also, now that I look at it, his nose looks like it got banged flat, so I should probably also add some more definition to that.

I re-did the face modeling. I personally think that it turned out much better, though I am not done the entire head and I have not attached it.

Looks pretty good!