Low Poly Face (Updated)

This is my first low poly face, and when I say low poly I mean it.

The face has 214 quads.

I tried to keep my loops flowing nicely but I had to edit more freely on the lips to avoid shading artifacts.

Some screens:


You are going to have a problem animating this with that 6 pole right off the mouth. The problem occurs at the corner of the mouth. You have the corner a triangle it needs an extra edge loop to make it a quad. That will get rid of the 6 pole in the cheek. Here is an example taken from Mixolydian. He is a master at topology and his site is really worth a visit. http://www.mixolydian.biz/. In the image you can see that the mouth corner is not triangular but where a set of quads meet. You need this shape to avoid the 6 pole in the cheek area and give a good topology for animation or deformation.


Looks good. I know nothing of topology, but that’s been covered, so all I can suggest is that you indent slightly the area above the chin and below the lower lip. It’s pretty flat. Look at Jimtuv’s picture and compare it with your side view. Post some screens as you texture it, add hair and eyes.

Thanks for the replies.

@Jimtuv: I was wondering what to do about that problem, in the end I went with your solution even though it creates a shading artifact.

@3dmidieval: This character will not have hair. He will be set in a post apocalyptic world where the radiation has caused extreme hair loss. :wink:

I created a low poly body (thats not ready to show yet), a high poly face to bake the normals, and textured the face today!



I dont like to argue with the masters of topology - there may be a nice reason for their advice… I was just wondering if the topology is changed as per the green lines, what may be the effect???


This eliminates the 6-pole issue, right?

You’d have to deal with those two new 5 sides faces somehow though.