Low poly house

Tried lowpoly modelling an basic environment in blender.

Rendered in cycles.

Rendered in Evee.


Let me know if I can improve something here. It would really help me to learn more.

You can follow me on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/craylixart/


This is really cool.
Love your style of modelling

Thank you very much The-Blenderer :grinning:

Nice model and like the renders.

I would suggest:

  • Lowering the strength of the lamp for the EEVEE render
  • Using Shade Smooth on the bottom rounded corner of the ground
  • Moving the mailbox back onto the green grass
  • Removing the little blades of grass sticking up
  • Increasing the roughness on the bush material

It looks so simple. But I know that is a lot of hard work and imagination. :+1:

Thanks meetdilip !

Thanks a ton for the feedback ! I really appreciate the advice. Yes, about the lamp strength, I too thought it was kinda strong.