These days we can now use a bit more polygons for games with main characters e.g all together Lara croft has 9500 on herself which is amazing, most people should now aim for just under the 2000 mark, a lot of people still think that they need to only model like 500 and under but thats become a bit ridiculous to work with.
And the head will be the most detailed as it has expression and a lot od the audience wants the character to talk, frown, smile, laugh.I actually just did what you have done a few days ago although I kept the Make Human model, I retopo’d over it, shaped it, then I got up close to the fingers and modeled them else they’d look “just odd”
I am also trying to understand edge loops and topology of the body.
Yes make human heads are horrible forms haha, check my thread out
You seem to have the proportions for the body right, but not the face. You also seem to be off to a fair/good start as far as topology is concerned. Look for more references, google for topology images and tutorials.
A lot of new new modelers try to get topo right, and neglect the proportions, while I think both are equally important. It doesn’t matter how high or low poly you go imo, you just have make the most out of every vertex you put in.
You’ve done well with the amount of polys you have used.
What stands out the most to me in the face is the cheek, between the nose and the next edge loop. I would add another cut from the eye to the mouth and adjust it and the next one to get the cheek a bit more rounded.
I’ve been keeping my guy low poly mainly to make it easier to edit, since I’ll be using him as a base mesh. Among other things, I need to turn this guy into a woman and an alien. I figure an amateur artist like me would have an easier time making changes when not dealing with 2000+ vertices.
Done some more work on the head. I managed to take out a few polys, while at the same time round out the nose and fix up the proportions. His mouth and cheeks don’t seem to bulge out as much anymore.
Polygon count + edge flow = Mind blowing, but… for enemies, pedestrians, ect… as low-poly is good. But for a main character, it would need a little more detail (I’m thinking about hand and nose).
Now, about the anatomy… everybody is made different, so your character is okay, but if you want to achieve perfection, I would suggest: Bringing the pelvis up a little (an inch or two), lowering the eyes and nose closer to the mouth, making the forearm a little thinner (just a little), and thickening the feet (height, not wide)
For a character as low-poly you will really need some good texturing skills. A nice normal map will bring your model to the next level of awesomeness.
Now, I want to make a female version of this model (I thought I’d shrink-wrap the mesh over a MakeHuman female). I also want to give both models a rig. The thing is that I was hoping to reuse the same rig for both my male and female models. I’m wondering if this would be possible though given the different shoulder widths.
That is, would I have to make the male model’s shoulders narrower and the female model’s shoulders wider to fit my unisex armature. And if I do that, how noticeable would it be?
(I thought I’d shrink-wrap the mesh over a MakeHuman female)
Female characters need different edge flow. They don’t need as much detail for the abs, but more detail for their… most obvious feminine attributes… if you know what I mean.
I also want to give both models a rig. The thing is that I was hoping to reuse the same rig for both my male and female models. I’m wondering if this would be possible though given the different shoulder widths.
You don’t need to have the same rig proportion to apply the animation to multiple characters. You can just make one rig for the man, duplicate it, tweak it so it fits the woman, and when you’ll animate the man, those action can be applied to the other rig (without much difference). I would suggest making animation different though… like a very manly confident walk cycle for the guy, and a more catwalk for the girl. Yes, it need more work, but looks far better.