Low-poly mushroom house

Not so long time ago took part in one blender low-poly competition. First time I got the rules wrong and thought that only Blender Internal render is allowed, but now I’ve remastered my work in Cycles and share with you.

The original reference by Charlène Le Scanff

Cycles version:


BI version:



Maybe it’s not so low-poly because of polygon count, but it was all about the style, not number of polygons.


Very nice. Please I’m amateur in materials, could you give me some pointers about how you made them? Is it plain bsdf shader with colors set or something more complex?

It’s typical Principled BSDF with some variations, like, for example, metallic on small blue and silver balls on the ropes. Water is just Glossy BSDF, clouds use simple Diffuse BSDF. Because of the competition’s rules (only one light source) it was harder to make the light, not materials. The other rule - use just simple materials without any node combinations, so you still can make good work with only Principled.

Thanks for info. You did amazing job.

Wow ! Brillant bravo !

Very elaborate and enjoyable… :wink:

Awesome work man keep up the good work…

Thank you very much, guys! Haven’t expected such reaction for this :smiley:

It really nice!! great work bro :smiley:

Appreciate it, thank you!