I’m working on a quick low poly robot for a short animation I’m making. I’ll post updates as I progress on the project. The minor details on the robot with most likely change, but this is the general look I’m going for.
Reminds me a bit of bender with a bucket for a head:) Nice so far tho, clean and simple.
@ozygozy Haha thanks, yeah I thought that too. I’m going to a simple design that looks kind of home made.
Wow, that took me too long to update. I’ve been busy at my day job though. He finally has legs, hands, and feet! And yes, the feet are far too tiny, I’m trying to figure out a better design for them.
Next up for me is to finish up modeling the finer details, then texturing and rigging.
I agree with @ozygozy. This robot does look like Bender a bit. Heh. Wouldn’t hurt to give this character Bender’s personality in your animation. I am looking forward to seeing this can-opener move.
Good render too, I like the metallic look you gave it. Care to share your materials settings?
@PetyaZubov Haha I’ll probably do some test animations like that, but the actual short animation is a little more serious.
Thanks, here are the settings I’m using right now. I just change the diffuse color, otherwise everything is the same between the different parts on the robot.
I’ve given him some temp eyes, although I will most likely give him light bulb eyes for the final version.
I’ve begun texturing him to make him look dinged and dented, although I’ll definitely need to turn the bump maps down. I’ll also be adding some rust for the final.
I’m hoping to finish texturing and begin rigging this week.