Low Poly Train Scene *Need critiques!!!*

Which scene should I choose? And is there anything I should do to this before calling it finished? Thanks!


Or this?

Definetly keep the grass that looks awesome…gonna give me a run for my money hahah!!! :smiley:

Hahaha, nahh!!! I’ll keep the grass, and render it at a higher samples tonight.

  1. grass is a bit too short but lookin good :slight_smile:
  2. the DoF looks extreme, although that may just be the noise
  3. the tunnel hole needs to be bigger, its way too small for the train to fit through
  4. are those brown spots in the sky birds or planes?
  5. the train really should have cars behind it
    other than that pretty good :smiley:

Is that supposed to be sky or mountain in the background? there’s a small bit of blue on the top right witch leads me to believe its mountains, but if its supposed to be sky I’d say it could use to be a bit brighter.

I would say definitely make the tunnel a bit bigger, I had not even noticed it was there until f3l1x mentioned it, then I looked back up and realized “Oh, yeah… the mountain’s not far back in distance…”

Also maybe make the train’s smoke a bit bigger or add more? Steam engines kick off a pretty good cloud from their smokestack. Don’t make it too big, just a little more noticeable maybe? If you really want the tiny puffpuff effect, maybe just spread them along a bit more of a trail. Give an effect of movement rather than all the puffs being right where the train is now.

I really like how your trees look. They are awesome. When I try to make trees they … well… transporter accidents don’t even begin to cover my trees, so we’ll not talk about them. Yours are awesome though. Good job.

Ok, and yeah, those are birds, and a mountain. Thanks for the tree compliment. I might not do the grass, I lost the particle settings and I really hate messing with them. I’ll fix everything though.

for the grass, couldnt you just use a giant length brush in particle edit mode?

Hmmm, not sure what you mean exactly, sorry never really used particles or particle edit mode, I’ll look into it.

How does this render look? Took out the birds, changed the ground color a tad, also the mountains, and DOF.

How does this look? Too tall? Too thick?

that grass is awesome now!
heres a few scrots of particle edit. lengthening the grass:

and jiggling it about:

i used both comb and length to get the grass you see in the viewport.
hopefully that helps :slight_smile:

Ok, yeah awesome thanks! I used the “cut” tool to mow it away from the rails.

So should I call this a finished project?

I think, my opinion, I would take out the grass. I know that others say to leave it in. But, when I think of low poly, I think of the old Everquest game, which did not really have a great graphics engine in the beginning. So, it had no real grass at all, just verigated color that reminded someone of grass.

That stated…this is a great image and you have inspired me to try my hand at this type of image. :slight_smile:

Great reply! Thanks! I think I will go with the majority and leave the grass, but I hear what you’re saying! I hope you succeed with your image!

The grass really does disqualify it as a genuine low poly image in a way. But if you are starting your own style, you should keep it.

Not so much my own, but a bit of almost a 2nd gen low poly, Blendermann (mr.lowpoly) uses grass in some of his renders. I may take the grass out just to keep it simple, it’s too much of a pain, I could have been done 2 days ago.

2nd gen of lowpoly, i think, is saying “lowpoly” by how many poly blender says in the upper right corner - which doesnt count particles :slight_smile: (unless you apply and skin them)

Verts:3424 Faces:4805 Tris:6132. Those are what I got.

Just deleted some trees that weren’t even in the render, dropped the verts by about 500 faces and tris by about 1000 each.