low poly Wheat field with Cypresses

I was looking through google for low poly art inspiration as I was in the mood to make a low poly blender scene when I came across this blenderartists post: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?372028-Morning-in-a-pine-forest-(low-poly) and I thought I’d like to try something similar with a different painting, so I decided to try and recreate Van Gogh’s “Wheat field with Cypresses”

This is my latest render today, and it’s finally got something worth showing off, since today I added the wheat field and grass particle systems. Granted I understand there’s a lot to perfect however it’s enough to give an idea of what I’m going for with this scene and how it might turn out.

This thread will be updated as the scene progresses further over the coming two weeks and tomorrow I plan on trying to see if I can finish one of the cypress trees.