Low Poly World. Path in the Magical Forest

Hi, recently I started learning Blender. I got enough confident with the UI to make my own project (not following tutorial). I thought that Low Poly would be great style to begin so I looked for some inspiration and started making my own Low Poly World. Its my first project and it all took me about 10 hours to make.
Now I would love to hear your criticism about things i could improve in my work!


Welcome to BA! :confetti_ball:

Low Poly is indeed a fun style with which to start (I’m doing the same thing). It’s a cute little scene you made there! And it’s great that you learned enough to do it without a tutorial, that’s an important step to take.

I don’t feel very critical right now (bedtime) – I’d switch the two trees in the upper right, I think that’ll look a bit better.


This looks much better now. I don’t know why i didn’t thought about it earlier. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate that!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank You very much! I don’t what does it exactly means, but seems like something special :sweat_smile: