Hello everyone, faced with a problem that my fire looks ok in solid mode but when i am using eevee or cycles it looks terribly low-quality and pixellated. it is actually looks more like a smoke but not a fire. Hope for help
Hello everyone, faced with a problem that my fire looks ok in solid mode but when i am using eevee or cycles it looks terribly low-quality and pixellated. it is actually looks more like a smoke but not a fire. Hope for help
Hello and welcome to BlenderArtists.
Could you upload some images or a video. I see you’ve included some timestamps in your post, but perhaps forgot to upload a video.
sorry, system tells me that because I am a new user I cannot add attachments(
oh, sure, here it is https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12Z4x5V1j-EmL0g_1ZQNbkhlGmbhKaKUZ?usp=sharing
Did you by chance remove some material(s) before sharing your blend? The simulation won’t show for me in Render view, which is known to be caused by not setting up a Principled Volume material node to your Domain, physics object. The reason I’m asking this is because I’m not entirely sure if you’re mistaking no fire/smoke in terms of pixalation. I could recreate the simulation on my own, however I’m afraid it won’t be exact to what you see and thus cannot accurately debug your problem.
You might also try increasing your fluid sampling on both your emitter and domain objects, as well as increasing the sampling of volumetrics in the render tab of the properties editor.
Oh, I don’t know why all materails had gone, anyway here is new link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iZTo0Bhvll9EBPBo7lLHWUkIUP8ZA928/view?usp=sharing, blend file called “fire”
Hi. I don’t mean to be mean, but this blend is even more broken than the original blend you shared. I’m not sure if this is because you keep changing things, or if this is a Blender bug or perhaps because I’m not understanding your setup. I don’t think I’ll be able to help this problem anymore, sorry.
I don’t know what is wrong with the file but generally speaking if you start fresh, simplify and get something that works then implement that in a more complicated scene you should have more luck.
This video seems to be good for eevee.
omg, I don’t know, I can easily open it without any problem, I guess I just don’t understand something( Anyway thank you and sorry for troubles