Low resolution of textures after UV unwrap

Hello. I’ve been using Blender for quite a while yet I couldn’t solve the problem of low resolution of textures after (in my opinion) proper UV unwrap with over 80% of density. It makes me wonder why does it look even with 4k textures. Have a look at this small hourglass model:

I divided the model into 2 parts: internal glass and outside cover. The density is not consistent as i wanted to visualize my worry so take a look at the columns. I was wondering at first if it’s possible to scale up UV but came to obvious conclusion it’s a 0-1 space to represent 3D surface on 2D plane. It;'s especially annoying during work in external software like substance painter. At close zoom on 4k map it still might be blurry. Is it the limitation of software, an issue that can be solved or I’m just obsessed with perfect quality of surface and there’s nothing wrong?

Well there is a limit to what a 4k texture can do, also the more complex the form the more UV space it takes up.

4K should be fine for the hour glass at a reasonable distance but there will always be a zoom factor that will start getting pixelated.

There is no real way around this except for tiling textures or procedural textures (the later will only work in blender not for a game).

or overlapping:
You could for example use the same portion of the texture all (or 2+2) the columns and change the rotation a bit for each one. Or use the same portion for the upper (TOP)face and bottom face as they will never be seen together.

What I mean is overlapping UV’s, there is nothing wrong with it if it looks good.

Also in the screenshot you post it looks like the faces I marked in red are very dense and/or stretched, maybe they take up too much of the space.

Too adjust the density of the UV’s you can scale the islands in the UV editor, it is best that you make sure all the squares are roughly the same size and aspect ratio.

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Hi and welcome…
It really helps to post your render (up close is better) and a screenshot of your material setup.
Yes - there are limits on new members… Comment for each image perhaps.
Otherwise the shader gurus here can only make random guesses and offer generic answers.
Lighting makes a HUGE difference to the render result.
Having Texture Coordinate and Mapping nodes allows you to scale up/down the texture.
Is your render size big enough? Lots of people render oversized then scale down in a 2D app. It gives a sharper finish.
“Might be blurry” - yeah and it might be in motion and be blurry anyhow… Or DOF might have been used.

Have you looked at other renders (here or otherwise) and zoomed in to compare the pixelation of the work of others?

Well… i think it all dpends… some repeatition in the four smaller cyclinders (middle and bottom right), nothing yet in the disc like areas (1/3, 1/4 partition andtrotate…)