Luis Pablo's Sketchbook

Anything more than about two million particles crashes any render because of RAM T-T
It’s also funny how since I’m rendering in the background I’m typing at about 1/5 fps so hopefully I don’t make any spelling errors haha

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2 hours 17 minutes on 1650 ti and cpu, cycles with optix


Side by side of what happens when I quadruple(?) the voxels on the volume, plus other adjustments

Amazing to see this come together!!

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It’s been pretty fun to make
I think I’m not done with it actually, I’m still doing stuff with the materials
Here’s how it’s going so far:


Huh, I was looking up a reference for Miller’s planet (watery world with giant waves) when I found that the Interstellar Wiki uses @BlackRainbow 's render instead of a still from the movie XD


Sneak peek of a WIP


Accidentally placed the camera below the waves but it looked awesome


Bf109 Animation I did a while ago


Working on a better black hole setup after watching some tutorials- I should’ve probably watched those tutorials before making fifteen black holes lol

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I think this one is gonna be great!

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Still WIP
There’s a lot I want to change

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I really like it, and I want to see where your going with this, but as of now I am still partial to your earlier black hole.

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Yeah, me too- I’m thinking how I can improve it to surpass the previous ones, but I also think it may be time to move to other projects

I made a black hole in a calculator now lol
It’s not blender, but it’s still cool

First two sliders are animated (hit the play buttons)

Still a work in progress, I’m limited by my hardware for the volume and particle sims so I have to make up for it with a bit of AI slow mo

This version is the best


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I read you often seem to suffer from your hardware. Remember that potatoe PCs are the best teachers.

That being said, I want to remind you that you can decompose your scene into parts, instead of systematically try to render millions and millions of particles or other objects, and getting to the edge of your suffering hardware for no good technical or artistical reasons.

The black hole scene by example: You can make variations series of 100’000 particles or whatever suitable number, render with transparent alpha and recompose the scene. You can do the same with volumetric clouds in your specific scene.

That will allow you to create more detailed scenes, composting layers, and you will win flexibility and quality faster, because you’ll be able to test and correct the parts as needed, and parts render faster.

All that, coming from someone who had some of the worst hardware during decades.

Edit: another way to say, be creative not only with what you create, but also how you create it.


Ooooh I hadn’t thought of that, I’ll see if there’s a way to apply that to what I’m doing
Main bottleneck is that the volume bake takes a long time, and it uses the particles, so there’s a bit of a waterfall effect where any change to the simulations takes a long time
But yeah, the advice is good, thanks

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