Luminous floor like Kubrick "2001 a space odyssey"


I try to create a setting like this movie scene:

  • I put a metal grill on it
  • in the middle a glass panel
  • below some neon tubes (I will repeat them when the result is ok)
    But my problem is that I want my glass to be both rough to blur the neon tubes and also shiny to reflect the surroundings. This is where I’m stuck :roll_eyes: How to achieve this?

Kubrick.blend (1.0 MB)

A simple and fast trick to try could be to make 2 floor plane (with some thickness), one above the other.
The first one with roughness to blur neon below, the second one (above) a classic glass shader. Just don’t let them touching.

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The 2nd try could be to assign the roughness glass material to bottom face of the plane and normal glass material to top face (the plane need some thickness).


You can create an image of the light and connect it to the emission.


Voronoi with no randomness may help you here.


Here’s my quick shot at it:

Kubrick_v03.blend (295.6 KB)

I basically did the same as the previous posters, textured the emission of the floor grids.
And instead of adding a glossy geometry on top of the rough one I simply used the Coat layer of the Principled shader. You can see the reflection of the glowing cubes.


WOW You rock !!!
Thank you so much :pray: :sparkles: :100: :dart:

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:sweat_smile: You’re welcome, glad I could help.