Hi. I just want to clarify a few things. I understand why, but i belive that thing don’t necessarily have to be worn or damaged to look real. It’s just an aesthetic preference. I have tools and a bench and they look pretty similar to why i tried to replicate here. You can live with objects that are not round, belive me, my hands are fine. By the way i appreciate the feedback, it’s just that im having a few bad days and i don’t feel like starting a conversation about this. I hope you understand. I’m sorry.
Hello everybody. This is part of a bigger personal project that im working on. I got this scene for now. Any advice or critics are welcome. Just don’t hurt my feeling please (jk)
Hope you like it.
All modeled in Blender
Textured in Substance Painter
Render Cycles X 3840x2160 4096 Samples
I would add more (and different sizes) of those tiny particles chiseled off the wood.
The guitar also looks too smooth for my eye. This is the level that is normally accomplished after sanding.
Hi Timo.
Thanks for the comment.
I knew those things you mentioned could be something noticeable, but after some testing i decided to go with this final look. Just a personal preference. By the way. If you use a handplane you can get the same or even better smoothness than with sanding, plus lees work and less dust. There’s quite another debate i guess.
First, awesome concept. I’d have never thought of this scene! It’s unique.
Maybe the table is a little prestine (mostly around the edges of the table). When I think of a workshop I think dented and worn down edges. I see there is some textures wear, but it might be good to add some wear in the geometry. BUT my only experience in workshops are from primary school and when you have class after class things age quickly lol. So my experience is not from a well loved workshop lol.
I understand your point. For some reason we tend to associate the woodworking environment with dust and worn tools and I get it, that looks great because it adds a lot of realism but in this case I decided to go with a relatively new bench and tools. To be honest I only added some wear because of this. I have a bench and some tools that I don’t use very often and everything is in pretty good condition. It’s kind of silly, but I’m trying to visualize my dream store. so I try to make everything look good.
I hope this give some context at least. Thanks for your comment
I definitely appreciate the approach you took! I’m all about defying cliche. Even though I made the critique it’s part of what I liked about the render! And that’s not silly at all – it makes complete sense.
I’m curious, is all the wear on the edges of the table texture? Even a slight bevel would take probably eliminate the hit to realism without adding a sense of that excess wear. If too much geometry is an issue you can also fake bevels a few ways, but I’ve never tried them myself.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your words. It doesn’t look like it but it has a bevel modifier applied to edges by the weight. Tbh i don’t like that much the edges with to much bevel on wood, but i guess i could’ve given it a bit more.
Nice scene! I wish things looked as tidy in my little workshop…
Since you asked for advice/critics: If you find the time, you could remove the sharp edges from the mallet’s handle. The current one will probably hurt your hands and cause blisters within minutes of using the tool.
I like the project.A little cc,nowadays you use a router instead of a plane.As previous was said,worn edges on the workbank and tools like the hammer.Lighting and materials looking good.
You reminded me of my childhood,
of my father who worked with those tools a long time ago.
He made wooden windows.
One tear fell from my eye.
I like it very much, it is beautiful, realistic and artistic too.
Well done
Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article of this crafty artwork!
Do check this article written by the artist himself. It describes the process of making the artwork step by step with an insight on making realistic models in Blender