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Yap, every renderer have his own “flavor”, some are more appropriate for specific project, etc, etc.
But one thing bother me… what is photorealism these ( digital ) days? On my local art forum I sometime have opportunity to see “original” photo before post process. Difference is mostly… big. For example caustic often are not so… nice, so photographers do some makeup. I guess that you simply can’t see “photo-real” stuff these days. This term become very arbitrary these days, just compare modern photos, with analog photos which are not treated with Light Room or Photoshop.
PS. Digital artist often have desire to be more “real” than reality :smile: which someone have … weird results.

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Wow, that is great bro

There used to be a distinction between super realism and photorealism. I don’t know if there still is. Super realism is what you see with your eyes (if you have 20/20 vision). No lens effects, no colour effects, no starbursts or anything. Technically its what the scene actually looks like.

Photorealism is what you could capture with a camera, including all the lens effects and distortion, lighting problems, DOF issues and so on. These days digital cameras add film grain, dust and noise, bokeh, and even make noises to artificially sound like “real” cameras.

I used to retouch for pro photographers, working with an airbrush or a minutely thin Windsor and Newton Sable brush directly on a large print. Later on we did it in Photoshop. The pro photographer in those days was usually trying to create super realism.

So as an illustrator, a photorealistic work could include making something look like it was a polaroid or instamatic snapshot. A superrealistic work would exclude any evidence of the use of a camera.

I think this distinction is quite important as it goes to what the artist is trying to achieve.


You have right… But there is one “little” issue. You mention Windsor and Newton. Now ask your ( young ) 3D and photograph friends what - who are Windsor & Newton :smiley:
My point is that we nowadays have too many re-definition, to many blah, blah words. Ask 10 people and you will get 11 or more opinions :slight_smile:
With digital camera ( real or 3D ) term photorealistic shift from “super-very-insanely” real to gimmick of old analog cameras. Also there are people which abuse such stuff just to make his work more “interesting”. You are free to accuse me for this crime :slight_smile: Often I mis-use Color Aberration, DOF, vignette, etc. all this cheap tricks just because… reason.

What a shot! Definitely saving this, LuxCore is crazy but your work is lovely as well.

so amazing!!