im currently working on something which i am rendering in lux. The straneg thing is that when i render, it seems to only render the color of the texture and not the detail within it.
ill show you what i mean.
This is my basic scene after around 30 mins of rendering. Now the problem is that the floor texture is actually a wood texture
but it seems to be rendering only the color of the texture. Does anyone know why this is?
i don’t think its because ive not rendered it long enough you can normally see textures appear straight away.
Let me know if it would be useful to upload the .blend
thanks for your reply. I have had a go at that and the only image option i found was image map so i tried that and the early signs of the render showed no difference. Also, does lux have a cache as when i render i sometime get parts of the model render as they used to be. e.g. the chimney breast is actually much wider to accomodate the firplace, but lux seems to render it the way it used to be when much narrower.
to add the textures and yes i unwrapped the plane and mapped it onto the image just like in the video above. The texture mapping type is set to UV in the texture panel and luxrender texture mapping section.
nope, the only time i have got an error was when i set to luxrender image map and then changed to colour but didn’t select the path to the image. When i set the path to the image the error disappeared but still no actual texture just the colour.
In that case, could you post the .lxm file of the scene here? The scene itself could be useful too.
Also, are you sure the versions of LuxBlend and LuxRender are matching exactly? Did you get LuxBlend from or from graphicall? What OS are you using?
windows 7 and i just downloading and installed luxrender and enabled it. should i have d/l a blender build? i just noticed on another project i was working on aswell thats the texture isnt coming through only the colour.
i tried attaching the .lxm file but its an invalid extension for uploading on here strangely.
hallelujah, hallelujah finally got the floor to show. Dunno what was going on; seems to have been a caching problem or something. I deleted the floor. added a new one and assigned the texture and yer, it showed straight away. Its strange how lux seems to render stuff the way it was before changes i am having the same problem with my chimney breast too but im sure if i delete it and ad it again it will magically fix itself.
Thanks for the help!
Luxrender and Vray have a problem rendering planes, ad a solidify modifier to fix it. This might be some kind of “physical based” rendering problem that everything needs to have volume, or something.
When ever I have a ground plane without thickness it get rendered wrong.
You can disable the geometry caching thing by unchecking “Partial PLY Export” in the render settings. Then hit render again. That will force a full update of the geometry files.
thanks for that. I did however find that box today and go hmm what happens if i un tick this…render ooh, everything has updated nicely been spending all day trying to get a different material to render, untick that box and it renders straight away
thanks for all the help guys. This should now be closed