Been working on this for around 6 months now. Previous post can be seen here.
Alot has changed since then, which I feel prompts a new post (especially since I’ve moved from this being Lylla-inspired to just being a Lylla recreation).
Main changes are:
- Complete fur overhaul (still using geonode hair)
- Proportion changes based on various BTS footage (flatter nose, longer and more prominent snout, etc)
- New eyes (no white sclera, to be more accurate since otter eyes don’t show much/any white sclera usually)
- Better fur shader (random grey hairs and other variation. Still using Principled Hair BSDF)
Here are a collection of viewport renders:
Full view of Lylla
Closeup of the head
Closeup of body and arms
Closeup of tail
View of back
Head side/front/top views:
Right now, I’m waiting for various outstanding issues with geonode hair to be fixed, but it’s not looking like that’s happening anytime soon (seemingly somewhere between now and like… 4.6?). Without these fixes, there’s a tonne of issues with the fur when the mesh deforms.
I also want to do a few more major geometry changes such pulling the mouth around the side of her head rather than just being basically a hole at the front, replacing arms with robotics, more realistic anatomy(eg: lacrimal caruncle for eyes), better mouth interior model with individual teeth, and better textures for stuff like the nose.
I will keep any future updates to this thread.