M~e~o~w~ I eat naughty boy~~

I’m trying make my Orange a real cat in eevee
Here is my Orange after one year’s improvement, rendered by eevee :laughing: hope you like him :joy:


Hey! Really nice! If you don’t mind me asking, what is your material network for shading hair in Eevee? Without the Principled Hair BSDF I find it hard to achieve nice looking hair like yours!

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Thx~,Generally I just use principled BSDF,but you may need a little affect from Ambient occlusion node layer weight node and Hair info node(intercept mainly),to simulated the result from Hair BSDF in cycle.


That’s great! Your approach is very different to mine (I tried to fiddle with adding a PrincipledBSDF with a translucent) but it’s very interesting! Whenever I need to do Eeve hair again I will try it out.

Thanks a lot!

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You are welcome~ :grinning: